Friday, September 24, 2010

Fat Acceptance

I haven't talked a lot about fat acceptance/body acceptance in my blog so far and I'm probably not going to do a lot of time talking about it in the future. This blog is about fat fashion which is something that I'm confident I know a lot about and I'm comfortable sharing with the internet world. Fat acceptance is something that I have been interested in and involved in since I was about 17 years old but I recognise that there are people out there who are a lot more involved and informed about these issues and I'm comfortable taking up the fashion side of things while they write about the bigger issues.

I know there are a fair few people who read my blog who don't know much about fat acceptance so I want to share some links that I have personally found really helpful and I think will be informative for those you who don't know a lot about it all.

Bitch Magazine explains the basics of fat acceptance

Definatalie: "You can't bully me out of my skinny jeans"

The Rotund on appetite shame and intuitive eating

Frances from Hey Fat Chick! replies to "but you're not fat?"

Frances again on her other blog Corpulent asking 'what are the benefits of being fat' (read the comments for some great answers)

The Rotund writes about reclaiming the word fat (something I feel very strongly about)

Health Sociologist (and basically all round fucking genius) Samantha Thomas talking about what fat acceptance means to her

Luxe from Fuck Yeah Skinny Chicks talking about Body Acceptance for ALL sizes on Fierce Fatties

I'm still relatively new to the blog fat-o-sphere so I'm discovering new blogs and adding them to the sidebar all the time so make sure you check out the links there regularly for more incredible fat positive and fatshion blogs (along with some really great straight sized fashion blogs) and I hope these links have been helpful.


Unknown said...

thanks for reminding me about all these great links.

I sometimes find it hard to read blogs that just go on about fat acceptance. If there is a reason to bring it up, I do, but often I just don't hang on the fact that I am fat... I find it discredits me beyond just being fashionable...
I've been fat forever and I will likely be fat forever and it's fine with me since I am very healthy and look great.
In conclusion.

Eloise In NY said...

I love your blog and i love the message you give out, positive no matter what wight you are you are beautiful. With my condition i go from 170, to 127 to 175 and so on and that has been a huge learning experience for me too. We have to keep spreading the message of self love :) And you do a great job.