If you follow me on
tumblr you might already know that I've been participating in something called Fa(t)shion February (invented by jessiedress on tumblr
here). You're supposed to take a photo of your outfit every day but I'm lazy/forgetful/still don't have internet set up at my house so I've missed a couple of days, I'm trying to do it as often as possible though.
Mostly my outfits have been fairly plain and boring and I've been using PhotoBooth a lot which is why I've been posting them on tumblr instead of on Fat Aus but I felt like I should update here so I thought I would post a few outfits that I've worn so far.
If you would like to see more photos of the babes participating in Fa(t)shion February just search 'fa(t)shion february' on tumblr or there is a special Fa(t)shion February tumblr